JACET ESP関西 研究会参加
Saturday, 25 February 2023、
13:30-13:35 Opening
13:35-14:10 Presentation 1 (Journal Club) James Horvat
14:10-14:15 (Break)
14:15-15:00 Presentation 2 (Research Presentation) Hiroyuki Ida & Yaoko Matsuoka
15:00-15:05 (Break)
15:05-15:50 Presentation 3 (Research Presentation) Yasunori Nishina
15:50-16:25 General Discussion
16:25-16:30 Closing
Presentation 1
Journal Club
James Horvat (Kindai University)
Chang, A. (2019). Examining the “applied aspirations” in the ESP genre analysis of published journal articles. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 38, 36-47. https://doi.org/10.
In this ‘journal club’ presentation, an article by An Cheng (2019), “Examining the ‘Allied Aspirations’ in the ESP Genre Analysis of Published Journal Articles” will be examined. Genre is a very important concept in ESP Practice and much research has focused on understanding the important moves and the kinds of language often used in a particular genre. This article by Cheng investigates both genre analysis and pedagogy. Cheng’s study is a systematic review of 36 genre analysis papers, which themselves examined published research articles, experimental reports, and abstracts, to understand the Research Article genre. In other words, his study was examining papers (N=36), which in turn examined extant research articles or abstracts (N≅2,876). These 36 articles covering many fields, including applied sciences and medicine, were scrutinized for pedagogical suggestions. Also, concordance software was used to search keywords related to teaching in these articles’ texts. Many of the 36 articles declared the need for genre awareness on the part of students, which is important. Nevertheless, few of the 36 articles gave much detail about how the teaching of these genres could be carried out in specific teaching and learning contexts. Then, we will examine Cheng’s article and hopefully will have some discussion regarding its findings.
Presentation 2
“Business communication as practical learning in the classroom”
Hiroyuki Ida (Josai University), Yaoko Matsuoka(University of People)
This presentation investigates university students’ learning in business communication classes. The analysis is on the reflective accounts of 30 students, which was obtained through Learning Management System. The result showed that while some students felt difficulty in working on business communication skills, others suggested the interlinkage between what they had learned and what they experienced in this class. This presentation discusses and concludes the needs for an effective relationship between English for General Purpose and business communication in terms of curriculum design, material selection/usage, and students’ learning trajectories.
井田 浩之(城西大学)、松岡弥生子(University of People)
Presentation 3
Episode 2 of 'Let's do more ESP studies in unexplored genres and fields! From art to recipes'
Yasunori Nishina (Kobe Gakuin University / University of Oxford)
This presentation is a follow-up to the previous presentation, introducing some of the ESP studies in which the presenter has been engaged to date and suggesting future directions for ESP. Specifically, the unique English expressions used in the hospitality industry, discourse structures used in corporate and personal profiles, and characteristics of recipe English will be introduced, and the possibility of future ESP studies in unexplored genres and fields will be discussed.
<続編> もっと未開拓ジャンル・分野をESPしよう!:
仁科恭徳(神戸学院大学 / 英オックスフォード大学)