
2019.08.28-30 JACET International Convention Nagoya 開催 研究発表

The 58th JACET International Convention (Nagoya, 2019)
Dates: August 28th (Wed.) – 30th (Fri.), 2019
Venue: Nagoya Institute of Technology
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 466-8555 JAPAN
Theme: Beyond ‘Borderless’: English Education in a Changing Society

09:00- 10:30
Ishikawa, Yuka (Nagoya Institute of Technology);
Kawaguchi, Keiko (Shibaura Institute of Technology);
Takei, Tomoko (Kyoto Institute of Technology);
Ito, Tae (Toyota Institute of Technology)
SYM English Education for Engineering Students: What They Need to Learn and What They Want to Learn
工学系大学の英語教育―何を教えるべき か,何を教えてほしいのか